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FIBRE….not the sexiest of topics for sure…

But it also happens to be one of the most UNDER-CONSUMED substances in our Western diets …

Given that fibre plays multiple absolutely crucial roles in our gut health, it’s one of the top ingredients I would recommend keeping your eye on if you’re looking to optimise your gut health.

And, contrary to what your Nanna might think, it’s not just about your digestion! Fibre feeds your gut bugs so that they can thrive and do their thing too, which means improved fertility rates, healthier pregnancies, and healthier babies…

Here are 3 simple ways to add a bit more fibre to your life…

1. Add chickpeas to your chicken korma. Many people have an ‘all-or-nothing’ approach with meat vs. vegetarian food…If you find yourself missing the meat when you go fully veg, why not try a chicken curry with added legumes for the fibre content? Best of both worlds.

2. Be lazy when it comes to peeling your veg and fruit… The peel is where all the fibre is at, so just give it a wash and you’re good to go…Time saving AND healthier!

3. Choose the grainy bread and the wholemeal pasta. If you can try to mostly select the higher fibre carb option your fibre count will really start to add up!

Do you do any of these already?

*To find out my personal favourite top 5 fibre-boosting hacks, head to our instagram account @mothersbabies_ and give us a follow…

Here, you’ll also get daily gut health tips, and info on how keeping your microbiome healthy can improve fertility, pregnancy health, and the health of your baby.

If you’d like to learn more about optimising your gut health (the right way), sign up to our online course ‘Healthy Gut, Healthier Baby’, which is currently free! 

Simply enter the code ‘HEALTHYBUB’ when you check out, and you will gain free access to the entire ten modules (normally priced at $376!)


 The information in this newsletter is provided for general educational purposes only.

Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter should not be taken as fact, but as opinion on the current state of evidence based science. The content is not (and should not be taken to be) medical advice or an endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or treatment. 

If you require medical attention please seek professional advice from an appropriately experienced health practitioner.


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