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MothersBabies Newsletter:



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We tend to focus our energy on what we *need* to do to get healthy… ‘I need to cut back on sugar’, ‘I need to exercise more’ or ‘I need to eat more veggies’…

Today’s newsletter is going to focus on some of the things you DON’T need to do to enjoy the benefits of a healthy gut microbiome…

Social media has a lot to answer for… Not a day goes by where I don’t hear someone (usually with no qualifications) spouting nutritional or gut health ‘advice’, with absolutely no scientific backing, to their audience.

It is enraging!

Plus, it perpetuates this idea that having ‘good gut health’ requires massive effort and strict rules…sometimes it even paints the picture that ‘good gut health’ can only be achieved if you have a hefty budget!

So here are 3 things you don’t need to bother with in your quest for a healthier gut.

You do not need to suffer through a juice cleanse to improve your gut health…In fact, for many people, a juice cleanse may have the opposite impact, triggering diarrhoea or cramping. Focus on getting about 2 servings of whole fruit every day and at least 5 servings of whole veg.

As well as being unpleasant, colonic irrigation (or colon cleanses) is unnecessary for improved gut health, and can sometimes even be harmful! Leave colonic irrigation for medical procedure check, and focus instead on getting your daily dose of fibre to naturally cleanse your colon!

Green powders must have some serious money to spend on marketing and influencers because they are EVERYWHERE!! Whilst there’s not really anything wrong with taking a green powder, and they can offer you some decent nutrition, it is an INCREDIBLY expensive way to get your greens in! Plus, IMO, not a very tasty way of eating your veg… Hit the green grocers instead and save your $$$.

I hope this saves at least one of you from enduring a juice or colon cleanse…and maybe you can spend all those saved dollars on a relaxing weekend away instead, something that IS shown to be important for your gut health!

Discover how you can optimise your gut health with the MothersBabies online course ‘Healthy Gut, Healthier Baby’.

Individual Modules: here

Pre-Pregnancy Bundle: here

Pregnancy Bundle: here

Post-Birth Bundle: here




The information in this newsletter is provided for general educational purposes only.

Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter should not be taken as fact, but as opinion on the current state of evidence based science. The content is not (and should not be taken to be) medical advice or an endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or treatment. 

If you require medical attention please seek professional advice from an appropriately experienced health practitioner.


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