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MothersBabies Newsletter:
Selfcare, Gut Health and Babies -
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If you’re the type of person who feels guilty when they’re not being ‘productive’, struggles to relax, or always puts other people first, listen up…


Your health (and this means your physical, mental and emotional health) requires you to spend some time on yourself. You don’t have to call it “#selfcare” if this icks you (I get that), but you do need to take some time for yourself…check in with yourself…How are your energy levels? How’s your mental state? Have you taken a big breath today?


There’s a bit of a universal tendency to glorify busyness…to go, go, go until you collapse in a heap with a big glass of wine in your hand. But here’s why you should try to inject some more ‘me time’ into your life…


Your Gut Will Love You For It

It might seem like a bit of a weird connection to you, but your gut health DEPENDS on you taking care of yourself! Living in a constant state of ‘fight-or-flight’ is inflammatory, and our little gut bugs do not cope with this stress well. If you want a happy gut, (and seriously, you should want a happy gut because it’s linked with SO many other aspects of your health) then you need to value yourself.


Your Fertility Will Love You For It

As we mentioned, looking after yourself is important to your gut health…We now know that gut health is linked with fertility outcomes… Self care means different things to every person, but it could mean cooking a nutritious meal, having a relaxing massage, or doing a class at the gym! All of these things can reduce stress, reduce inflammation, improve gut health, and improve your chance of falling pregnant!


Your Baby Will Love You For It

We pass down our microbiome to our child at birth and through breastfeeding. Caring for yourself means that the microbiome you pass on to your child, the greatest gift of all, will be in optimal condition, giving them the best possible chance to a healthy life.


In Conclusion

If you needed a little nudge to do something just for you, take this as your sign! Getting that massage, swimming in the ocean, or sitting in a cafe reading a book is good for you, your fertility, and your future baby’s health…


It’s all in the science…



There are so many reasons why giving yourself selfcare time is super important!


To ensure you’re as fully informed as you can be, Module 9 of our Premium Information may be helpful to you.


In this module, you’ll learn about the gut-brain connection and its impact on your mental health, practical tips for self care, as well as information about two of the other microbiomes you should be taking care of, in addition to your gut microbiome.


You’ll also gain the confidence of knowing you’re fully informed when it comes to your options.


– Our Premium Information is affordable, accessible, and it’s backed by science. 

– Learn more about Module 9, here

– Or check out our Post-Birth Bundle, here.


The information in this newsletter is provided for general educational purposes only.

Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter should not be taken as fact, but as opinion on the current state of evidence based science. The content is not (and should not be taken to be) medical advice or an endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or treatment. 

If you require medical attention please seek professional advice from an appropriately experienced health practitioner.


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