Life Goal: A Balanced Gut

Life Goal: A Balanced Gut Written by Clare Carrick ANutr (BHSc Nutrition and Health Promotion) Scientifically reviewed by Dr Fathalla Ali, PhD (Paediatrics) 21/03/2022 Looking down into our baby’s eyes in their first few weeks of life, we might dream of their life ahead… ‘Who will they become?’… ‘Will they be successful?’…’Will they want children?’…As […]

C-sections, Gut health, and Your Bub

C-sections, Gut health, and Your Bub Written by Clare Carrick ANutr (BHSc Nutrition and Health Promotion) Scientifically reviewed by Dr Fathalla Ali, PhD (Paediatrics) 07/03/2022 From the minute you see those two lines appear on the pregnancy test, many hours are spent discussing and planning out exactly how the birth will go…. ‘Have you got […]