The Persistent Effects of Birth Mode on Gut Microbiota Composition, Immune System Development and Antimicrobial Resistance

It is believed that mode of birth (Vaginal or Caesarean) has a significant effect on early gut microbiota acquisition and development. Globally, the rate of caesarean birth is consistently increasing as a result of multiple factors. Among these factors are the increase in the overall income and the easy access to health facilities. In 2015, around 29.7 million births happened by caesarean, accounting for about 18% of the births in 169 countries.

High Fat Diet, Obesity and Microbiota

Nutrition during pregnancy is one of the most important factors that play a significant role in the early developmental process through the regulation of epigenetic mechanisms during pregnancy and neonatal periods.

Breast Feeding and The Hot Topic Of Immunity

Is there a hotter topic than immunity in these Covid-19 times? As the global scientific community focuses on developing vaccines that confer immunity, we’ve become familiar with the concept of a compromised or ‘weakened’ immune systems.

Maternal obesity and the gut microbiome

Maternal Obesity and the Gut Microbiome Written by Dr Fathalla Ali, PHD Paediatrics 9/9/2020​ Maternal obesity is the result of complex and multifactorial pathways and is associated with multiple pregnancy complications such as increased risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, hypertension, and preeclampsia as well as increased risk of cesarean section delivery. Maternal obesity is the […]

Nutritional recommendations for the perinatal period and influence on infant gut microbiota development

Nutritional Recommendations for the Perinatal Period and Influence on Infant Gut Microbiota Development Written by Dr Fathalla Ali, PHD Paediatrics 9/9/2020​ Purpose of the reviewed article: Highlight the nutritional recommendations for perinatal period (perinatal period starts at 22 completed weeks of gestation and ends 7 completed days after birth) The influence of maternal microbiome and […]