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MothersBabies Newsletter:
What's all the fuss about Biotics?


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You’ve probably heard about probiotics, and maybe even prebiotics….but what about synbiotics or postbiotics? 

Yep, there’s more of these ‘biotic’ substances than you might realise, and each variety may offer a different benefit for you and your health!

What’s the one thing all ‘biotics’ have in common? 

They all promote a healthy gut by manipulating and nourishing your gut community. But they do this in their own unique way, and one ‘biotic’ might be more suitable to your needs than another… 

Feel like you need some help wading through the science?
We’ve got you sorted…

In this newsletter you can read:
  • An article by nutritionist Clare Carrick discussing the ins and outs of pre-, pro-, syn- and postbiotics.
  • A research summary by Dr Fathalla Ali examining whether probiotic supplementation during pregnancy is important for labour.
  • Watch a video explaining the difference between pre- and probiotics.

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The information in this newsletter is provided for general educational purposes only.

Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter should not be taken as fact, but as opinion on the current state of evidence based science. The content is not (and should not be taken to be) medical advice or an endorsement, or recommendation, of any specific product or treatment.

If you require medical attention please seek professional advice from an appropriately experienced health practitioner. 

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